Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hellooooo world!!!!!!!

I have thought about starting a blog before, and actually started a page back in April of 2010, but I never actually wrote anything. I thought this would be a neat way to document the things that occur in our lives, and help us to remember the good times!

Just so you know about our family, I will start form the beginning. Keith and I(Amber) met in May of 2007. My cousin had talked to both of us about his experience in doing summer sales and both of us thought it sounded like a great opportunity. Keith and my cousin met on their missions in Connecticut. They lived in the same apartment for 6 weeks but still kept in touch-obviously so that we could meet! Haha! Well we started dating in June and in August Keith proposed! We knew it had only been 3 1/2 months, but we knew we were meant to be! We were married on October 19, 2007 in the Salt Lake City LDS temple. It was a beautiful sunny day, with blue skies, and big fluffy clouds.

Keith got a job at RC Willey and I started working at Discover Card. We were loving life together (and still do) and in February 2008 we bought our first home. A condo in West Valley, UT. It wasn't our ideal location, but the price was right. We soon found other reasons to loved our new home as we became fast friends with our downstairs neighbors. We are definitely friends for life :) We totally believe one reason we moved here was to meet them.

Although our lives were pretty great, after a while we felt something needed to change and in November of 2008 we found out we were pregnant! It was the most exciting moment! We were stoked! Eliana Marie Brewer was born on August 6, 2009 (keith's is the 7th! but he really didn't want to share!) It was wonderful to have my mom, sister, and nephew be in the hospital when Elli was born. They drove down from Idaho the moment they new I was going to be induced and were at the hospital until she was born at 12:10 am.

Elli was born at 12:10 AM, weighed 7 lbs 8 oz, 21 inches long.

Eliana has continued to amaze us at every stage of life! She is seriously the most fun! She is currently 10 months and 3 days old and wants to walk soooooo bad! She gets mad at us when she has to crawl and we don't help her walk around! We are still hoping for red hair, and really think it will be strawberry blondish. She is definitely like her dad and very social. She comes to work with mom at daycare and loves the other kids (although sometimes she is guilty of beating up on the ones littler than her, haha!) We are thrilled at how quickly she learns in leaps and bounds!

I will get more specific with future posts! But this is us!