Friday, October 29, 2010

New Insurance!

Oh, and a full time position at work, which led to the better insurance!

I am now the full-time teacher in the Infant Room. This means I work with infants aged birth-->2 year. Mostly the kids I have are 6 months to 18 months. I can have up to 4 infants at a time. Crazy? Sometimes! Fun? Yes! It makes me realize that I can handle anything! Especially because I will never have more than 2 kids under the age of 2.

This has definitely been an answer to prayers. We were talking about Keith going to school and what we felt we should do. Which varied from selling our condo and becoming poor college students while Keith went to school full-time to moving in with my parents and him going to school full-time. Well the NEXT DAY my boss pulls me into her office and tells me the Infant Room teacher is stepping down and the position is mine if I want it. OH YEAH!

The cool thing is that it won't be many hours more than what I already do. I will only work about 32 hours a week, and then get all the benefits. Like 3 weeks vacation a year!

Anyway I am SUPER STOKED!!

Other news:

Elli is starting to sign! She will do eat and all done. We are working on drink and thank-you.