Thursday, April 28, 2011

11 weeks

11 weeks until:

I get a brand new adorable baby girl!
I am done working.....again, haha.
I start my attempt at potty training Elli.
Our 2 bedroom condo becomes very crowded.
I will get much less sleep than I do now, which is saying something.
I lose my excuse of not getting up with Elli at night and in the morning.
I discover the joy and amazement of a newborn baby-again!
I change lots and lots of diapers.
I count wet diapers and poopy diapers.
I attempt natural birthing.

AND I am SUPER DUPER excited!!!!

Time really has gone by so fast. Although sometimes when I look at how long I have left at work it seems like I have forever to go.

Elli has been growing so fast it is nuts. She talks a lot, and especially tries to repeat what we say. She loves to follow other big kids around and copy what they are doing. She does learn a lot by copying them, especially pretend which is the most fun to watch.