Saturday, July 30, 2011

Kailey Ruth Brewer

Well Kailey was finally an eviction notice because we were getting impatient, and she was taking too long! She was born on July 14, 2011 at 5:22 pm, 20 inches long, weighing 7 lbs 7 oz. Perfect! From the time they started Pitocin and broke my water it was about 3 hours and 30 minutes, and only 7 minutes of pushing. My doctor figured it would go quick, but it was even faster than he thought. I had started this pregnancy wanting to give birth naturally and took hypnobirthing classes to help prepare us. I wasn't able to really do the hypnobirthing techniques very well, but the breathing did help me. I am proud to say that I was able to go without any pain medication! It was a good experience and I hope I will be better prepared for the next one :).
Kailey has been a wonderful newborn. She wakes up to eat about every 3 hours at night, although she is more inconsistent during the day. She doesn't like binki's and gags when we give one to her, so that will a bit of a different adventure for us whereas Elli loved her binki. Kailey loves to sleep laying down on her back, if I am holding her she will wiggle around until I lay her down. She is really strong and already has great head control! She also really doesn't like being in the car seat, already!
Kailey has already had her 2 week appointment where she was 8 lbs 4.5oz. She is a great eater and knows how to grow. She was also 21 3/4 inches long.
Elli has been a great big sister and always wants to help. It is nice to have someone to get diapers, wipes, and blankets when they are far away. Of course, we do have to watch so Elli doesn't get too 'motherly' with her.
We are so excited to have added to our family and we just love having another little girl around, they are both so fun!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

11 weeks

11 weeks until:

I get a brand new adorable baby girl!
I am done working.....again, haha.
I start my attempt at potty training Elli.
Our 2 bedroom condo becomes very crowded.
I will get much less sleep than I do now, which is saying something.
I lose my excuse of not getting up with Elli at night and in the morning.
I discover the joy and amazement of a newborn baby-again!
I change lots and lots of diapers.
I count wet diapers and poopy diapers.
I attempt natural birthing.

AND I am SUPER DUPER excited!!!!

Time really has gone by so fast. Although sometimes when I look at how long I have left at work it seems like I have forever to go.

Elli has been growing so fast it is nuts. She talks a lot, and especially tries to repeat what we say. She loves to follow other big kids around and copy what they are doing. She does learn a lot by copying them, especially pretend which is the most fun to watch.